Explore the Neighborhood

We built a map that lets you explore Greenpoint’s litter problem and see the 50 new litter bins we’ll install throughout the neighborhood.

Get Involved

Talking Trash Curriculum Guide

Bring engaging, fun, and hands-on activities about New York City’s waste management system, environmental justice, and trash reduction to your classroom or community organization with a brand new resource for teachers and community organizers.

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Clean Business Pledges

Own a business in Greenpoint or Williamsburg? Our Pledge program is the simplest way to reduce the environmental impact of your business and contribute to a healthier neighborhood.

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Our Goals

Between 2015 and 2018, we:

Conducted the first ever comprehensive waste and litter analysis that includes citizen data collection in Greenpoint.

See Our Findings ›

Educated and motivated citizens, businesses and students on proper disposal and waste reduction.

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Installed new trash cans in priority places around our neighborhood.

Explore the Neighborhood! ›