The Curb Your Litter project team is comprised of experienced partners working together between 2015 - 2018 to:
Conduct the first ever litter analysis of Greenpoint with ClosedLoops.
Host 12 neighborhood Clean Up Days in partnership with Greenpoint-based Neighbors Allied for Good Growth to clean up litter and sort it using data methods.
Build a map-based data collection tool for citizens to influence the placement of new cans with Partner & Partners and Eric Brelsford.
Create a waste education video with the Center for Urban Pedagogy to teach students at the Frances Perkins Academy about trash infrastructure, the impact of litter on the community, and how to become mentors to their peers.
Incentivize local businesses to keep their streets and storefronts litter free with the Clean Greenpoint Pledge developed with Councilman Stephen Levin (D33).
Install several new litter baskets and recycling systems throughout the neighborhood in early 2017.
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