Last Clean Up Day in 2015!

Announcement / Clean Up Day / No. 4 — Published September 1, 2015

Saturday, September 12, 2015

10am - 2pm


Greenpoint Reformed Church (136 Milton Street)

Join the Greenpoint Chamber of Commerce and and Neighbors Allied for Good Growth for the last Curb Your Litter: Greenpoint clean up day of 2015.

Come out to do something about our neighborhood’s litter problem! So far, we’ve picked up over 1,160 pounds of litter in our neighborhood. Join us to clean our streets, meet your neighbors and share your opinion on where new cans are needed.

We’ll meet in the front lawn of Greenpoint Reformed Church and spread out to pick up litter from the the northwest section of our neighborhood. We’re teaming up with Greening Greenpoint to beautify our street tree beds after ridding them of trash.

All volunteers will get a free lunch from Adelina’s, Cachaco, Cup & Compass, Esme, and Paulie Gee’s as a thank you for their hard work!

Detailed Schedule
10 – 10:30am – Volunteer check-in
10:30 – 11am – Orientation and Presentations
11am -1pm – Clean-Up
1 -2pm- Lunch